Online - Cellsite Map

(accuracy unknown)

Click on map to go to the website to see what site are in your area

Canada - Email to SMS (text messaging)

Rogers Wireless

[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]

Bell Canada

[10-digit phone number]

Bell Mobility (Canada)

[10-digit phone number]

Bell Mobility

[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]

Kudo Mobile

[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]

President’s Choice

[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]

US - Email to SMS (text messaging)


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number] 


[10-digit phone number]

Virgin Mobile

[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]

Metro PCS

[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]¥j

U.S. Cellular

[10-digit phone number]


[10-digit phone number]

Amateur Radio

Send Email to SMS (Text) via Winlink System

Note: Winlink requires an incoming Email before they allow sending.


Send Email from SMS


Receive SMS to Email

You need an app that does "SMS to Email" ....there are many!

(This needs testing and when confirmed this notice will be removed)

iPhone - Field test mode adds signal strength in "dBm"

Enter *3001#12345#* as if you were making a call and "Send"

SMS (text) - Command List



 start a new cell


 text any cell name to join it. for example, text @cellynews to get news about celly


 stop receiving text messages

 chat commands


 Turn message acknowledgements on or off (default: on)


 Turn join announcements on/off (default: on)


 Update your personal bio that other people see


 Request your userName to be changed. Celly support will contact you.


 List the cells that you have created


 Set/update your password to use on the Celly website




 Add a curator to a cell that you started


 Approve friends who have tried to join your cells


 List the cells that you are a member of


 Close a poll that you have started and send out the results.


 Delete a cell


 Retrieve the description of a cell


 Retrieve the last message from a cell, or if count is specified, the (count) most recent messages


 Stop receiving alerts and forget about a specific cell, or list the cells you can stop


 List the members of a cell


 Set cell messaging mode. Controls who can message: Open chat, Curated chat, or Alert-only


 Start a poll for members in your cell.


 Set the cell privacy. Controls how people can join the cell.


 Remove a curator from a cell that you started


 Setup a cell - change the cell privacy and messaging mode settings


 Update the welcome message for a cell


 Get statistics on a cell


 Verify your phone number - you don't need this command unless we told you to use it.

 member commands


 Block a user: you will no longer receive messages from them


 Invite friends to join a cell. See also: REMOVE


 List your invites to a cell


 Show your ranking with respect to other users, or the rank of another user. Use Celly more to raise your rank.


 Remove and uninvite a user from a cell

 help commands


 Show some basic Celly commands


 Show some more Celly commands


 Show the commands you can use with cells


 Show help for the specified command, or if no command specified, generic info about Celly


 Show the commands you can use with members of a cell


 Show info about how Rank works


 Learn to use Celly


 Turn message acknowledgements on or off (default: on)


Turn on or off publishing your cell to the public web (default: off)