Note that all fields are optional.  If a template field is omitted, the corresponding field on the message will be unaltered.

Here is a list of available tags.  Note that tags are case sensitive.

<DateTime> - Inserts the current local date and time

Ex: 2011-07-12 17:13:05


<UDateTime> - Inserts the current UTC date and time

Ex: 2011-07-13 00:13:05Z


<Date> - Inserts the current local date

Ex: 2011-07-12


<UDate> - Inserts the current UTC date

Ex: 2011-07-13Z


<Time> - Inserts the current local time

Ex: 17:13:05

<UTime> - Inserts the current UTC time

Ex: 00:13:05Z


<Day> - Inserts the current local day of week

Ex: Tuesday


<UDay> - Inserts the current UTC day of week

Ex: Wednesday


<UDTG> - Inserts the current UTC military style date-time group

Ex: 241205Z NOV 2012


<GPS> - Inserts the current GPS location (if available)

Ex: 46-22.77N 121-35.01W


<Position> - Inserts the current GPS location if available or the last reported position if GPS position is not available.  This can be used to insert a position manually entered on the Position Report screen.

Ex: 46-22.77N 121-35.01W


<SeqNum> - Inserts the current value of the sequence number.  Use the "SeqInc" template command to increment the sequence. Set the initial value and the number of digits wanted on the Template Settings screen.

Ex: <SeqNum> --> 003


<ProgramVersion> - Inserts the current RMS Express program version.



<Callsign> - Inserts the user's Call sign



<MsgTo> - Inserts the contents of the To: field on the Message Editor screen at the time the template is opened.  This is mostly useful for reply messages.

Ex: <MsgTo>


<MsgCc> - Inserts the contents of the To: field on the Message Editor screen at the time the template is opened.

Ex: <MsgCc>


<MsgSubject> - Inserts the contents of the Subject: field on the Message Editor screen at the time the template is opened.

Ex: <MsgSubject>


<MsgBody> - Inserts the contents of the message body at the time the template is opened.

Ex: <MsgBody>


<MsgP2P> - Inserts "True" or "False" depending on whether the peer-to-peer button is checked at the time the template is opened.

Ex: <MsgP2P>


<MsgIsReply> - Inserts "True" or "False" depending on whether the message being entered is a reply to another message.

Ex: <MsgIsReply>


<MsgIsForward> - Inserts "True" or "False" depending on whether the message being entered is being forwarded..

Ex: <MsgIsReply>


<MsgIsAcknowledgement> - Inserts "True" or "False" depending on whether the message being entered is an acknowledgement to another message.

Ex: <MsgIsReply>


<MsgOriginalSubject> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the subject of the original message.  If this is a new message, it inserts nothing.

Ex: <MsgOriginalSubject>


<MsgOriginalSender> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the address of the sender of the original message.

Ex: <MsgOriginalSender>


<MsgOriginalBody> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the body of the original message.  If this is a new message, it inserts nothing.

Ex: <MsgOriginalBody>


<MsgOriginalID> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the message ID of the original message.

Ex: <MsgOriginalBody>


<MsgOriginalDate> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the date-time of the original message in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm. 

Ex: Ex: 2011-07-13 00:13


<MsgOriginalUtcDate> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the UTC date of the original message in the format YYYY-MM-DDZ. 

Ex: Ex: 2011-07-13 00:13


<MsgOriginalUtcTime> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the UTC time of the original message in the format HH:mmZ. 

Ex: Ex: 2011-07-13 00:13


<MsgOriginalLocalDate> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the local date of the original message in the format YYYY-MM-DD. 

Ex: Ex: 2011-07-13 00:13


<MsgOriginalLocalTime> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the local time of the original message in the format HH:mm. 

Ex: Ex: 2011-07-13 00:13


<MsgOriginalDTG> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the date-time of the original message in the format of a military date-time group 

Ex: 241205Z NOV 2014


<MsgOriginalSize> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts the size of the original message.

Ex: <MsgOriginalSize>


<MsgOriginalAttachmentCount> - If the message is a reply, forward or acknowledgement, inserts a count of the number of attachments the original message had.

Ex: <MsgOriginalAttachmentCount>


<MsgOriginalXML> - If the message being composed is a reply, forward or acknowledgement to a message that was sent with a form attachment, this tag inserts the XML code with the form data that was attached to the original message.  If this is a new message, it inserts nothing.

Ex: <MsgOriginalXML>


<Var variable> - Inserts the value assigned to a variable by a "Def:" statement (see above).

Ex: <var statecode>


<Select prompt,item1[=value1],item2[=value2],...> - Displays the prompt string and a drop-down selection list of the items.  If an item is followed by an equal sign and another string, then the value after the equal sign is returned as the value when the item is selected.  If there is no equal sign after an item, then the item text is returned for the selection.  If you want to use a comma in a value string, enclose the value with quote marks.

     Ex: <select What type of operator are you:,Ham,MARS>

           <select Which state do you live in:,Alabama=AL,Georgia=GA,Tennessee=TN>


<Ask prompt,options> - Prompts the user to enter the value that will be inserted into the form.  Prompt is the string to display to prompt for the field.  Options are parameters affecting the input.  If options are specified, separate them from the prompt string with a comma, and use commas to separate multiple options.  Note, since comma is used to terminate the prompt string, you cannot used a comma within a prompt string.  You can spell out the full option keywords, but only the first two characters are significant.  If you want to use a comma in the prompt string, enclose the prompt with quote marks.


The following options may be used:

UPPERCASE - Force input for the field to be upper-case characters.  Typically this us used to accept callsigns.

MULTILINE - Accept a multi-line, free-form text field.  If this isn't specified, a single-line field is accepted.

Here is a sample template file:


Subj:Test template on <UDateTime>

Msg:Display tags

DateTime     : <DateTime>

UTC DateTime : <UDateTime>

Date         : <Date>

UTC Date     : <UDate>

Time         : <Time>

UTC Time     : <UTime>

Day          : <Day>

UTC Day      : <UDay>

GPS Location : <GPS>

Position     : <Position>

Call sign      : <Callsign>

Ex: <Ask Your callsign:,UP>

Ex: <Ask "Name, Position">

Ex: <Ask Time of incident (hh:mm UTC):>

Ex: Ask Description of incident:,MU>


Here's an example of a template using ask fields:


Type: Winlink






Callsign: <ask Your call sign:,UP>

Time: <ask Time (hh:mm UTC):>


<ask Description of event:,mu>






Note: These insertion tags also can be used in html forms displayed by RMS Express.  When using insertion tags in a form, enclose the tag with "{" and "}" characters rather than "<" and ">". For example, {Callsign}.